Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Three “P’s” to achieving TOP Dollar!

The Three “P’s” to achieving TOP Dollar!

            If in the market to sell your home, you probably want what all home sellers want.. Top Dollar!  Many sellers however do not always understand what it takes to obtain top dollar, often placing themselves in a “behind the 8 ball” position.  When this takes place optimism can quickly turn to pessimism, making your sale much more stressful then necessary.  If a top dollar sale is the result you are hoping to obtain, these three simple tips can and will help you start out on the right foot.


            You needn’t be in the Real Estate industry to understand the importance of pricing correctly to obtain true Top Dollar.  Under pricing positions you in a quick sale low profit situation, and over pricing places you in a wait and hope situation, neither of which will produce the results you desire.  Pricing too low, while obviously netting you less, can lead buyers to assume something is wrong with the property.  Too high and your traffic will be low to nil, with any offers coming in generally being low ball offers.  Work with an agent who understands both the values of the community you are in as well as the value your home offers in current market conditions.  Pricing in an aggressive but realistic manner will bring higher levels of traffic as well as justifiable offers, often leading to a top dollar sale!


            You wouldn’t post a fuzzy, off center picture of yourself on Facebook – so why do it when selling your home?  I’ve seen time and time again lackluster photos of homes for sale in the MLS.  Pictures taken with cell phones, a picture focused on a table when trying to show a dining room, people in the background, etc.  In this day and age, with Internet search being the #1 source of interest from homebuyers we simply cannot be as cavalier with our photos.  Pictures SELL, so please be sure to have your home photographed by a reliable source or at the very least be sure to show the home in it’s true best light.   Wide angle lenses, correct lighting, crisp and focused images, these are imperative parts of the process if you demand top dollar.  A cell phone doesn’t cut it, do it right and your home will shine, do it wrong and there may be no contract to sign.


            Promotion and marketing is simply crucial if seeking top dollar for your home.  More interest brings higher dollars; it’s a simple fact to understand.  As your buyer base grows, your value grows with it.  Many agents will place your home on the MLS and hope for the best.  This strategy is dated by decades, and while it can and may bring offers, they will often not be at the highest amount possible.  Local advertising, social media marketing, video tours, high quality photos and pertinent ‘on-site’ information are necessary if your goals are to obtain the highest amount possible for your sale.  If in the market be sure to work with an agent who provides this type of marketing on a consistent basis.  More exposure equals more showings, which in turn brings higher offers!

            We all want the best for ourselves, in life and in any and all monetary transactions.  With the right strategy and team put into place for your homes sale, you can make the best outcome available a reality!

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