Why should you work with a Realtor?
The availability of information on-line has made the home buying and selling experience a bit easier then it was just a decade ago - however, this has NOT in any way negated the importance of the Real Estate agent. Why should you work with a Real Estate agent? Let’s make it simple; let’s make it rhyme… Direction, Protection and Attention.
professional Real Estate agent will direct you through the ever-changing maze
of the sales process. It takes full time knowledge and experience to know
what pitfalls to be aware of, as well as how to handle them when they do arise.
A “virgin” homebuyer or seller simply isn’t familiar with the procedures
necessary and will often put himself or herself at risk. Not knowing the correct
“direction” to move in a transaction can quickly put you back to square one and
may quite possibly end up costing you money as well. Having a guide direct you throughout the process not only
puts you in a better position for success, but it also protects your best
interest, ie. your money baby!
agent also serves as true protection in your Real Estate transaction.
Even if you know the way, if not properly trained a buyer/seller can easily find
themselves slipping down a slippery slope. I've dealt with horror stories throughout my career that
would make your head spin, but with knowledge and patience I have been able to
get through them all – while protecting my clients the whole way. Without
my expertise in those situations my customers would have been out not only a
home, but in a few instances tens of thousands of dollars as well. Without the ability to react in the
right way at the right time when issues arise, you are simply hoping nothing
goes wrong. An agent will protect
you when something does.
all need attention in this fast paced world. Cell phones, email and G4
speeds have made our world move Usain Bolt FAST. An agent’s job is to
stay on top of the entire transaction
from contract to close. As I keep reminding you all, finding or selling
the home is NOT the hard part, CLOSING it is! And a successful closing procedure has become tougher for
sellers/buyers to maintain on their own. With most buyers/sellers having
full time jobs themselves - keeping up with the transaction is not only a
headache, but can be simply impossible. Without having a
"wing-man" giving you the attention you need and deserve you may put yourself
in a situation that can become unsolvable, costing you money honey!
A professional Realtor will be there each and every step of the way,
giving each step of the process the full attention needed for success. While many may think they have the
time, skill and knowledge necessary to give attention to the transaction, this
is not the time to “hope your right”.
American’s we love to save a buck, I wouldn’t be alarmed if it was somehow in
our DNA. However, this is not the
time or place to try to save a few bucks.
If purchasing or selling Real Estate be sure to obtain the service of a
professional Realtor. Going it
alone may be possible – but is it really worth the risk?