Monday, July 22, 2013

With rates on the rise, it’s time to grab that prize!


With rates on the rise, it’s time to grab that prize!

            As rates continue to rise many buyers and sellers alike are trying to decipher how the market will react.  As the old saying goes, history repeats itself, and it likely will once again.  As mortgage rates have a direct effect on buyers’ purchasing power, there really isn’t any surprise that rising rates generally lead to declining house values.  So how do we react, how do we plan and strategize accordingly as buyers or sellers of Real Estate in today’s current market?  The best and most effective plan of action is to prepare to move swiftly on either a buy or sell side.  Time as they say is money, and even more so when rates are on the rise. 

I wish I could sell before values fell

            Timing of the Real Estate market, or any market for that matter, is simply futile.  We as consumers do not hold much if any power in terms of controlling rates and/or their effect on the market.  Many buyers and sellers do however, try to time the market with the intent to buy or sell at “just the right time”.  This strategy often proves negative, as the thoughts of holding on for just the right time will often lead to less then stellar results.  As we hold no control over future changes, we must move forward with a purchase or sales plan that favors us as much as possible in the time that we are currently in.  If you are planning on selling or purchasing, don’t wait until the time is right, as no one really knows when that time will come, if ever.  Instead, decipher what is happening now, in today’s environment and move according to today’s conditions, not what you hope they will be in the near future.

Maybe we should wait to get a better rate

            As a buyer your mortgage rate will have a crucial effect on your purchase power.  It’s not a secret that better credit leads to lower rates and lower rates lead to more spending power, however waiting for that “perfect rate” can and probably will take you out of the market.  By sitting on the sidelines buyers simply lose opportunities that may have been perfect for them.  Sideline viewing is great at sporting events, but if you are in the market for a new home you must be on the field at all times.  The popular quote of  “work with what you have” is a perfect slogan for buyers in today’s market.  If your rate is now higher then anticipated, prepare accordingly with understanding that it affects the entire market at the same time it is affecting you.  So instead of waiting for rates to drop, jump in with both feet and negotiate that perfect home with the insight that rates are rising, not just for you, but for all potential home buyers. 

Lock and load before you hit the road

            “Locking in” a rate is a service that many mortgage providers can and will offer which in this environment can be an advantage for you.  All buyers should be pre-approved before they enter any homes for sale, but an extra step you may want to take is to lock in an attractive rate before they rise again if your lender allows.  Doing so will allow you to move forward with a full understanding of where your loan amount sits and how the rate will affect your purchase power.  Having these key points fully understood and in hand will allow for a streamlined negotiation with no big surprises at closing.  If in the process of purchasing, be sure to ask your lender about a rate lock.

The market moves in ebbs and flows, movements that we can easily track but which are close to impossible to forecast.  If selling or buying, do so in the present – take future calculations or forecasts out of the equation and buy or sell in today’s market – not tomorrow’s